EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W K17 M18 N17 O17 M16 SETUP B D16 H17 L18 N18 M17 Q16 Q14 MARK 1@N18 3@L18 2@N17 4@M16 @@O18 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 16. Black to play. White 4 instead of @ is the usual variation. ENDCOM B 1 L17 USER CORERECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. ENDCOM W 2 L16 B 3 K18 W 4 O18 COM After White 4 and ... ENDCOM B 5 Q18 MARK A@O15 COM ... Black 5 are exchanged, White must think about completing her shape with a move at A. <= ENDCOM