(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[jd][lc][nd][oc][pc] AB[dd][hc][ld][pd][qc][qd][pf] TR[pc][oc] C[Problem 15. Black to play. Having played the marked stones, White returns to attach at 1. How should Black reply ? ] (;B[kc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the vital point. ] ;W[kd];B[mc];W[lb];B[md];W[mb];B[jc] C[The exchange continues up to 7 and the white stones have become separated. Moreover, the white group at the top is still not completely alive. <= ] ) (;B[mc] C[Unsatisfactory. If Black hanes on the other side with 1, ... ] ;W[md];B[kc];W[lb];B[kd];W[kb] C[... White can make life at the top up to 6 ... ] ;B[jc] C[... in sente. <= ] ) )