EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W K16 M17 O16 P17 Q17 SETUP B D16 H17 M16 Q16 R17 R16 Q14 MARK \t@Q17 \t@P17 COM Problem 15. Black to play. Having played the marked stones, White returns to attach at 1. How should Black reply ? ENDCOM B 1 L17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the vital point. ENDCOM VAR B 1 N17 COM Unsatisfactory. If Black hanes on the other side with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 N16 B 3 L17 W 4 M18 B 5 L16 W 6 L18 COM ... White can make life at the top up to 6 ... ENDCOM B 7 K17 COM ... in sente. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 L16 B 3 N17 W 4 M18 B 5 N16 W 6 N18 B 7 K17 COM The exchange continues up to 7 and the white stones have become separated. Moreover, the white group at the top is still not completely alive. <= ENDCOM