(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[jc][nc][qc] AB[dd][hc][lc][pd][pf] LB[qc:1] C[Problem 10. Black to play. This time White has switched to the corner with an invasion at 1. How should Black respond ? ] ;B[pc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should let White live in the corner and make a wall on the outside. ] ;W[pb] (;B[ob];W[qb];B[oc];W[re] C[White's two stones at the top are outnumbered, so Black should easily make profit there. <= ] ) (;B[qd] C[Variation. If the right side is important to Black, he could Black with 3. ] ;W[rb];B[rc];W[qb];B[kd] C[Black ends with sente, so he can now switch to attacking the lone white stone at the center top with 7. <= ] ) )