(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[jd][lc][nc] AB[dd][ld][pd][pf][hc] LB[ld:1][lc:2] C[Problem 8. Black to play. When Black makes the high invasion, White attaches underneath with 1. How does Black continue ? ] ;B[kc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The moves from Black 1 ... ] (;W[kd] (;B[mc];W[lb];B[md] C[... to 5 are the simplest variation. ] ;W[mb];B[jc];W[id];B[ic] C[White's stones have been separated into two groups, so Black can look forward to attacking them. <= ] ) (;B[jc] C[Variation. Crawling to Black 3 can lead to complicated fighting. ] ;W[ic];B[ib];W[id];B[jb];W[le] C[After White ataris with 8, ... ] ;B[md];W[oe] C[... she peeps with 10. ] ;B[pe] C[If Black connects at 11, ... ] ;W[me] C[... White plays 12, making very nice sabaki. <= ] )) (;W[jc]) )