(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[jd][ld][nc] AB[dd][hc][lc][pd][pf][qj] LB[ld:1] C[Problem 5. Black to play. How does Black respond when White attaches on top with 1 ? ] ;B[kd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should wedge in with 1. ] (;W[ke];B[kc];W[md];B[jc] C[Up to 5, Black has gouged out White's base. Black is satisfied with this result. <= ] ) (;W[kc] C[Variation. White could also atari underneath with 2. ] ;B[ke];W[jc];B[md];W[lb];B[le];W[mc] C[White links up, but ... ] ;B[oj] C[... Black makes a large-scale moyo on the right when he plays 9. <= ] ) )