(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][fc][nc][nb][pc][qc][qm][ro][qq][nq][mp][iq][fq][fp][ck][ek][gr][jo][bc][de][gf][ei] AB[dp][pp][lc][me][qd][pd][od][pj][oq][np][mq][no][dn][ci][kq][eq][cm][fr][er][cf][bd][be][ef][fm] TR[de] C[Problem 164. Black to play. White has peeped with the marked stone (White 8 in the game continuation of Problem 160). How should Black respond ? ] (;B[df] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a strong move. ] ;W[fh] C[If White blocks Black's access into the center with 2, ... ] ;B[hc] C[... Black 3 becomes a serious threat. ] ;W[jj] C[That is, if White plays elsewhere (White 4 here is necessary to get 'Black to move"), ... ] ;B[dc];W[cc];B[db] LB[dc:5][ee:A][fb:B] C[... Black can destroy White's corner with 5 and 7. White can't capture the stones at 5 and 7 because the points A and B are miai. <= ] ) (;B[eh] C[How the game continued. Black attached with 1, but ... ] ;W[fh] C[... this enabled White to strengthen her stones on the left side with 2 ... ] ;B[eg];W[di] C[... and 4. ] ;B[ch] C[Black drew back with 5 and ... ] ;W[cj] C[... White made shape with 6. Although White has strengthened her stones on the left, her stones at the top are still weak. Next ... ] ;B[ed] C[The vital point. ... Black can make a placement at 7. ] ;W[ee] C[If White resists with 8, ... ] ;B[cc] C[... Black cuts with 9 and ... ] ;W[dc];B[cb] C[... wrests the corner away from White with 11. When a thick position faces a thin one as here, there is usually a tesuji that will give the thick one an advantage. <= ] ) )