(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][dc][ec][cf][qf][qg][ph][oh][qi][ri][rj][jq][qn][qp][qq][rr][oj][ol][pl][pm][qm][ro] AB[dp][pd][pp][fc][fd][ed][jd][nd][qh][pi][pj][qj][rk][gq][qr][pr][pq][ql][nk][nl][om][pn][po][qo] TR[oj] C[Problem 161. Black to play. How should Black attack the white stone at the bottom after White plays the marked stone ? ] (;B[lq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Even though it is a bit close to Black's thickness, Black 1 is a powerful move. It denies the white stone a base and forces it out into the center where it is confronted by black thickness on the right and a stable position on the left. ] ;W[jo] C[When White jumps out to 2, ... ] ;B[jm] C[... Black caps with 3 and White is in trouble. <= ] ) (;B[jo] C[How the game continued. Black immediately capped with 1, but ... ] ;W[mq] C[... this let make White make a base for her stones by extending to 2. ] ;B[lr];W[lq];B[kr] LB[lr:3] C[Next, Black tried to uproot the white stones with 3 and 5, but ... ] ;W[kq] C[... these moves were not very good. <= ] ) )