(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][fc][nc][nb][pc][qc][qm][ro][qq][nq][mp][iq][fq][fp][ck][ek][gr][jo] AB[dp][pp][lc][me][qd][pd][od][pj][oq][np][mq][no][dn][ci][kq][eq][cm][fr][er][cf] TR[ek] C[Problem 160. Black to play. How should Black respond to the marked white stone (White 8 in the game continuation of Problem 156) ? ] (;B[ei] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should strengthen his stones in the upper left by jumping to 1. ] (;W[gk] C[If White jumps to 2, ... ] ;B[dd] C[... Black can start moving against White's corner enclosure by attaching at 3 ... ] ;W[dc];B[cc] C[... and cutting with 5. ] ;W[bd];B[bc];W[bb];B[ec];W[db];B[ed];W[eb];B[be];W[cb];B[ce];W[ac] C[The sequence to White 16. where Black builds thickness by squeezing White, is inevitable. ] ;B[ge] LB[gc:A] C[Finally, Black perfects his shape with 17, threatening to attach at A. <= ] ) (;W[ee] C[Variation. If White defends her position in the upper left with 2, ... ] ;B[fk] C[... Black can attach at 3. ] ;W[fl];B[gk];W[ej];B[fi];W[em];B[gl] C[With the sequence to 9, Black has built thickness in the center. <= ] )) (;B[fm] C[How the game continued. Black jumped to 1, ... ] ;W[ei] C[... letting White take the key point of 2. ] ;B[ef] C[When Black jumped to 3, ... ] ;W[gf] C[... White capped with 4, so ... ] ;B[bd];W[bc];B[be] LB[bd:5] C[... Black played 5 and 7 to make a base for his stones. ] ;W[de] C[Next, White peeped at 8. <= ] ) )