(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ce][cg][di][fd][gf][id][ig][jg][kg][md][lh][mi] AB[dp][pd][pp][eh][ef][de][dd][ec][kd][gh][ih][jh][li][le][me] LB[gh:1][ig:2][ih:3][jg:4][jh:5][kg:6][li:7][md:8][le:9][lh:10] LB[me:11][mi:12] C[Problem 159. Black to play. The game in Problem 155 continued with the sequence to the hane of White 12. How should Black continue ? ] (;B[lj] LB[jj:B][kh:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should extend to 1, maintaining his dominance in the center. (If White A, Black makes shape with B.) ] ;W[od] C[If White next switches to the top right by attaching at 2, ... ] ;B[pe];W[pc];B[qc];W[qb];B[oc];W[pb];B[nd];W[qd];B[oe];W[rd] C[... Black can build a thick position and force White to live in the corner in gote with the sequence to 12. ] ;B[mj] C[Black 13 is now a thick move, putting enormous pressure on the white stones at the top. <= ] ) (;B[ki] C[How the game continued. Black drew back with 1. This was passive because ... ] ;W[mj] C[... it allowed White to take the initiative in the center with 2. ] ;B[nd] C[Black secured the top with 3 and ... ] ;W[qd];B[qc];W[pe] LB[qd:4] C[... White made forcing moves with 4 and 6, ... ] ;B[pc];W[qn] C[... then made an approach move at the bottom with 8. ] ;B[np] C[White clearly covets the right side, although her stones there are, at the moment, a bit thin. <= ] ) )