(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[de][dc][rd][qf][qi][nq][np][jp][jq][iq][fq][cn][cp][cq][cr][dr] AB[dp][pd][pp][jc][nd][qc][qn][oq][ip][hp][hq][eq][er][dq][do][cg][cj] LB[dc:3][de:1][cg:22][cj:10][cn:21][do:16][cp:15][cq:13][cr:19][dr:17] LB[dq:14][fq:11][eq:20][er:18][hq:12][hp:28][ip:26][iq:25][jq:27][jp:29] LB[np:31][nq:23][oq:30][qn:24][pp:2][jc:4][nd:6][qc:8][rd:7][qf:5] LB[qi:9] C[Problem 158. Black to play. After White stands at 31, how can Black take a decisive lead ? ] (;B[jo] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black first builds influence in the center ... ] ;W[ko];B[kn];W[lo];B[ln];W[mn];B[mm] C[... with the sequence to 7. ] ;W[nn];B[lq] C[He then makes a placement at the vital point of White's shape with 9. ] ;W[lp] C[White must defend with 10. ] ;B[nr] C[Now Black can seal off the corner with 11 ... ] ;W[mr];B[or] C[... and 13 ... ] ;W[mq] LB[cm:B][em:A][kn:3][jo:1] C[... in sente. Next, Black can aim at A, threatening to attach at B. However, he might first want to fix up his shape in the center by connecting between 1 and 3. <= ] ) (;B[gc] C[How the game continued. Black extended to 1 at the top and ... ] ;W[ql] LB[jo:A][gc:1] C[... White extended to 2 on the right side. These two points were miai, so Black 1 was not really urgent. However, with White now menacing the black stones in the lower right with 2, it is even more urgent that Black hanes at A and play the sequence in the Correct Answer. <= ] ) )