(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][fc][nc][nb][pc][qc][qm][ro][qq][nq][mp][iq] AB[dp][pp][lc][me][qd][pd][od][pj][oq][np][mq][no][dn][ci] LB[cd:1][fc:11][lc:4][me:10][nb:9][nc:3][od:8][qc:5][qd:6][pc:7] LB[pj:2][qm:21][ro:19][qq:17][oq:18][mq:20][np:14][no:16][mp:15][nq:13] LB[iq:23][ci:12][dn:22] C[Problem 152. Black to play. In this three-stone handicap game, White invades the bottom with 23. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[gq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should make the checking extension of 1, ... ] (;W[kq] C[... forcing White to extend to 2. ] ;B[qp] C[Black next plays the forcing sequence ... ] ;W[rp];B[qr];W[rr];B[pq] C[... to 7, to give his stones on the right breathing room in case they get into trouble, ... ] ;W[rq];B[ho] C[... then attacks White's group at the bottom with 9. <= ] ) (;W[io] C[Variation. If White jumps to 2, ... ] ;B[im] C[... the cap of Black 3 is an interesting move. ] ;W[go] C[If White tries to escape with 4, ... ] ;B[eq] C[... Black will secure the territory at the bottom with 5. <= ] )) (;B[kq] C[How the game continued. Not only was Black 1 too narrow an extension, it was also the wrong direction. ] ;W[fq] C[White was able to stabilise her stones at the bottom with 2 ... ] ;B[eq];W[fp] C[... and 4. <= ] ) )