(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bd][cd][bc][dc][db][ec][fb][gc][hc][qf][nq][jp] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][cc][be][ce][ed][fd][gd][fc][qj][pn][dj] LB[qf:1] C[Problem 151. Black to play. White approaches with 1. Where should Black play next ? ] (;B[hq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White's stone on the right side is outnumbered, so playing there is not urgent. Instead, Black should extend to 1, aiming to play the sequence Black A - White B - Black C - White D - Black E. The white stones at the bottom would then be in disarray. <= ] ) (;B[qe] C[Failure. Black 1 ... ] ;W[pf];B[nc] C[... and 3 are good moves that attack the white stone on the right, but ... ] ;W[cn] LB[hq:A] C[... White opens a new battlefield with 4. The fighting around will now be difficult, but, if Black had a stone at A, he would have a clear advantage. <= ] ) )