(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ec][dc][cf][qf][oh] AB[dp][pd][pp][ed][fd][fc][jd][qh] LB[oh:1] TR[qh] C[Problem 149. Black to play. Capping with 1 was an unorthodox response to the pincer of the marked stone. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[pf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should take advantage of White's thin position and attach at 1. ] ;W[pe];B[oe];W[qe];B[pg];W[qd];B[pc];W[qc];B[qb];W[rb];B[pb];W[rg] C[The sequence to 12 is almost inevitable. White lives in the corner, but ... ] ;B[nf] TR[oh] C[... Black gets a thick position in the top right when he connects at 13. The marked capping stone (White 1 in the Problem Diagram) is now cut off. <= ] ) (;B[nd] C[How the game continued. Although not as severe as the Correct Answer, Black 1 was also a good move, but, ... ] ;W[qi] C[... when White attached with 2, ... ] (;B[pi] C[... Black 3 enabled White to secure her stones and ... ] ;W[ph];B[qj];W[ri];B[pj];W[rj];B[rk];W[qg] C[... make a thick position with the sequence to 10. <= ] ) (;B[ri] C[Variation. Playing a hane with Black 3 would be better. ] ;W[pi] C[White will draw back with 4 ... ] ;B[qj] C[... and Black will play 5. ] ;W[pk] C[White will probably play elsewhere, but, if she were to play around here, ... ] ;B[qk];W[pl];B[ql];W[pm];B[qm];W[pn] C[... making thickness with the sequence to 12 gives her the best prospects. ] ;B[ro] LB[qd:C][qc:B][pg:A] C[If Black A, White will invade the corner with B, so Black C is the biggest point for Black in this position. <= ] )) )