(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][fd][nc][ob][qg][qj][cn][ci] AB[dp][pd][pp][jd][oc][qe][ql][jq][fp] C[Problem 148. Black to play. With the hane of 1, White threatens to uproot the black stones in the corner. Take a global view of the position before deciding on Black's response. ] (;B[nd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. This problem shows the importance of playing for thickness on the outside instead of defending the territory in the corner. Black plays on top with1 and ... ] ;W[md];B[mc];W[nb];B[lc];W[qc] C[... lets White secure a small territory in the corner, ... ] ;B[me] C[... but the thickness Black gets up to 7 strategically affects the whole board. ] ;W[pc];B[od] C[<= ] ) (;B[pb] C[Failure. Defending the corner with Black 1 ... ] ;W[od] C[... lets White force with 2. ] ;B[pc];W[lc] C[She then occupies the key point of 4. ] ;B[ke] C[If Black escapes into the center with 5, ... ] ;W[mf] C[... White jumps to 6 and the two black stones at the top suddenly find themselves under attack. <= ] ) )