(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[qc][qd][qf][rf][cd][cc][cf][dc][ec][fb][gb][gc][hb][ic] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][ed][fd][fc][hc][hd][gd][id][pc][pe][og][qh][jd] C[Problem 145. Black to play. Black is thick, but he doesn't have any territory. White, on the other hand, has iron-clad territory in two corners. Where should Black play so as to best utilise his thickness ? ] (;B[jp] TE[2] C[Correct answer. Making a sanren-sei at the bottom has a good feel to it. All of Black's stones are facing the center and working as one strategic force. ] ;W[jc];B[kc];W[kb] LB[jc:2] C[If White tries to break into Black's territory at the top with 2 and 4, ... ] ;B[lb] LB[kc:3] C[... Black crushes her to the edge with 3 and 5. <= ] ) (;B[jc] C[Failure. Black 1 is small. Black does get some territory at the top, but not much more than he got in the Correct Answer. ] ;W[jq] C[White immediately establishes a beachhead at the bottom with 2 and Black's stones are not working together as efficiently as they were in the Correct Answer. <= ] ) )