(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ec][dc][cd][cf][qf][rf][qd][qc][kr][nq][no][pr] AB[dp][pd][pp][ed][fd][fc][jd][pc][pe][og][qh][kp][qq][pn] LB[nq:1][kp:2][no:3][pn:4][pr:5][qq:6][kr:7] C[Problem 143. Black to play. In this problem, the same joseki as in Problem 142 has been played. Where is the vital point for Black ? ] (;B[nm] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the focal point for building a moyo. ... ] ;W[fp];B[dn] TR[kp] C[... Black should be willing to sacrifice his marked stone to expand his moyo in the center. <= ] ) (;B[gq] C[Failure. Extending to Black 1 is aimless. ] ;W[nm] C[White jumps to 2 and Black no longer is able to make a moyo in the center. <= ] ) )