(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][dc][ec][cf][ri][qf][of][rd] AB[dp][pd][pp][pi][qc][nd][jd][fc][fd][ed] LB[nd:4][qc:6][rd:5][qf:1][of:3][ri:7][pi:2] C[Problem 142. Black to play. The joseki to White 7 has been played in the upper right corner. Where should Black play next ? ] (;B[jp] TR[pi] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should treat his marked stone lightly and make a sanren-sei at the bottom. ] ;W[qn] C[If White approaches at 2, ... ] ;B[np] C[... Black defends at 3. Black now has mapped out territory at the top and the bottom. White is secure on the right, but her shape is depressed and small. <= ] ) (;B[pg] C[Failure. Black might feel good about securing his stones an the right ... ] ;W[pf];B[rh];W[qh];B[qi];W[rg];B[rj];W[sh];B[qk] LB[ld:A] C[... with the sequence to 9, but White has also become secure, so she can now aim to invade at A. <= ] ) )