(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bc][cd][ce][ic][oq][qr][np][bp][cn][dl][ci] AB[dp][pd][dd][cc][cb][ec][qj][qp][pn][kp][fp][cq] C[Problem 140. Black to play. In this two-stone handicap game, it is Black's turn to play. How should he attack the lone white stone at the top ? ] (;B[de] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black must first press White against the left side with 1 ... ] ;W[df];B[ef] C[... and 3. ] ;W[dg];B[kc] C[Now he can pincer with 5. ] ;W[ie] C[If White jumps to 6, ... ] ;B[ke] C[... Black keeps up the pressure with 7. A large-scale black moyo is beginning to take shape on the right side. <= ] ) (;B[kc] C[Failure. If Black pincers at 1 without making any preparatory moves on the left, ... ] ;W[ef] C[... White will reach out to her stone with the knight's move 2. <= ] ) (;B[ef] C[Failure. The knight's move of Black 1 is not forceful enough. ] ;W[lc] C[White can take up a position at the top with 2 and Black has lost the initiative here. <= ] ) )