(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][bc][be][gc] AB[dp][pd][pp][cc][dc][ed] LB[cd:1][ed:2][gc:3][cc:4][bc:5][dc:6][be:7] C[Problem 139. Black to play. The moves to White 7 are a joseki. What should Black do next ? ] ;B[fe] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the vital point. ] (;W[dg] C[If White defends the left side with 2, ... ] ;B[hd] C[... Black plays 3 ... ] ;W[ic];B[hc];W[hb];B[gd] C[... to 7 to get a thick position. ] (;W[fc] C[If White 8, ... ] ;B[gb] C[... Black will cut at 9. <= ] ) (;W[gb] C[If White 8 here, ... ] ;B[je] LB[jc:A] C[... Black will play the knight's move of 9, increasing his thickness in the center and threatening to attach at A next. <= ] )) (;W[id] C[Variation. If White defends the top with 2, ... ] ;B[cf] C[... Black attacks the white stones on the left with 3. ] ;W[cg] C[White settles her stones with the tesuji of 4, but, ... ] ;B[dg];W[bg];B[dh] C[... up to 7, Black gets thickness, ... ] ;W[ci];B[kd] C[... enabling him to attack White at the top with the pincer of 9. <= ] ) )