(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fd][ec][dc][cc][df][cl][el][fq][lq] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][cd][ed][fe][ci][ei][dn][fn][nq] TR[df] C[Problem 136. Black to play. The marked white stone is on the vital point. How does Black make good shape ? ] (;B[bc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black's stones are short of liberties, but, by playing 1, he makes White's stones short of liberties too. ] ;W[bb] C[White blocks at 2 and, ... ] ;B[bd] C[... when Black connects at 3, ... ] ;W[gd] LB[fc:A] C[... White must extend to 4 to defend against the cut at A. ] ;B[ef] C[With 5, Black secures the territory in the upper left. <= ] ) (;B[gd] C[How the game continued. Black 1 was sente, but it was bad because it strengthened White and eliminated her bad aji. ] ;W[fc];B[bc];W[bb];B[bd];W[ge];B[ff];W[he];B[gi] C[After the sequence to Black 9, ... ] ;W[ee] C[... White cut at 10 and it was Black who was left with bad aji. <= ] ) )