(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][fd][ge][he][hd][md][cn][ch] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][df][fe][ff][gf][gd][pf][fp] LB[df:4][ch:7][cn:5][fp:6][fc:3][fd:9][gd:8][hd:13][he:15][ge:11] LB[fe:10][ff:12][gf:14][md:1][pf:2] C[Problem 135. Black to play. How should Black continue after White connects with 15 ? ] (;B[ck] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Now is the time to invade the left side because Black is thick above and also strong below. ] ;W[ei] C[White jumps into the center with the knight's move of 2, keeping away from Black's thickness. ] ;B[ek];W[gi] C[After White 4, ... ] ;B[co] C[... Black exchanges 5 ... ] ;W[dn] C[... for 6 to make White heavy, ... ] ;B[gk] C[... then jumps to 7. White's two groups on the left side are in trouble; even if she saves one of them, the other could die. <= ] ) (;B[hf] C[How the game continued. Black increased his thickness with 1, but this move had no severe follow-up at the top, so ... ] ;W[dk] C[... White was able to secure her stones on the left with 2. Black lost his chance to take a decisive lead. <= ] ) )