(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][co][cn][dm][cj][nq][qq][qp][pn][po][lp][mp] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][cf][db][en][dn][cp][jq][oo][pq][qr][np][mo] TR[lp] C[Problem 130. Black to play. How should Black answer White's extension with the marked stone (White 6 in the game continuation of Problem 126) ? ] (;B[jo] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. By jumping to 1, Black attacks the three white stones and expands his moyo on the left. ] ;W[lo] C[White must escape into the center with 2 ... ] ;B[mn];W[ln] C[... and 4. ] ;B[mm] LB[mn:3] C[After Black 3 and 5, ... ] ;W[lm] C[... White will probably exchange 6 ... ] ;B[ml] LB[pr:A] C[... for Black 7. Black has nothing to worry about, but he must be careful about the bad aji of White A. <= ] ) (;B[lr] C[How the game continued. Black 1 also attacked the white stones, but it is small. ] ;W[on];B[or];W[nn];B[no];W[jp];B[ip];W[ln];B[mq] C[Up to 9, Black lived, but he was confined to the bottom and ... ] ;W[iq];B[kp];W[jo];B[hq];W[ir];B[jr];W[hr];B[gq];W[ko] C[... White built a wall facing the center with the sequence to 18. ] ;B[kq];W[qf] C[White next approached with 20 and built a vast moyo on the right side. <= ] ) )