(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cn][cq][dq][er][fq][gr][gp][hp] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][dj][cp][ep][eq][fp][fo][go] LB[dj:2][cn:1][cp:8][ep:12][eq:10][fp:4][fo:6][go:14][gp:5][hp:15] LB[fq:3][cq:7][dq:9][er:11][gr:13] C[Problem 129. Black to play. What should Black do after White 15 ? ] (;B[ho] LB[ip:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should push with 1, threatening to hane at A. ] ;W[io] C[White cannot let this happen, so she will hane at 2. ] ;B[in] C[Next, Black exchanges 3 ... ] ;W[jo] C[... for White 4, ... ] ;B[cj] C[... then secures the left side with an iron pillar at 5. Black has taken a big lead in the opening of this five-stone handicap game. <= ] ) (;B[dm] C[How the game continued. Attacking the lone stone on the left side with 1 was a backward move which resulted in Black's stones in the lower left becoming overconcentrated. ] ;W[cf] LB[bj:A] C[White responded with an approach move at 2 which left open the possibility of reducing Black's territory in the lower left by sliding to A. ] ;B[fd] C[(This move is here meant to get 'White to move'.) ] ;W[bp] C[White could also reduce this territory by playing the sequence from 4 ... ] ;B[bo];W[bq];B[co] C[... to Black 7. <= ] ) )