(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ci][cn][md][mg][db][fc][hd][cb][en][mi][dk] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][cc][df][fp][jd][jf][jh][pf][bb][gn][dl] LB[dl:1][dk:2] C[Problem 124. Black to play. The game in Problem 120 continued with the exchange of Black 1 for White 2. What should Black do next ? ] (;B[ck] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a strong move. ] ;W[ek] C[If White extends to 2, ... ] ;B[cj];W[di];B[el];W[fl];B[cm] C[... Black makes shape with the sequence to 7. ] (;W[bn] C[If White 8, ... ] ;B[fm] C[... Black hanes at 9, splitting the white stones above from the ones below. <= ] ) (;W[fm] C[If White 8 here, ... ] ;B[co] C[... Black links up with 9. <= ] ) (;W[cp] TR[cm] C[Continuation. After Black played the marked stone, White might make sabaki with 8, but ... ] ;B[fm];W[em];B[bn];W[bo];B[dj];W[ej];B[bm];W[do];B[fk];W[gl];B[ei];W[fj];B[gk];W[hl];B[bi];W[fi];B[eh] C[... Black secures a large territory on the left with the sequence to 18, ... ] ;W[hj];B[dq];W[cq];B[ip] LB[dq:27] C[... then secures some more stones at the bottom with 27 and 29. <= ] )) (;B[el] C[How the game continued. Black 1 revealed a negative attitude. ] ;W[cl];B[ck];W[bk];B[cm];W[bl];B[dm];W[bm] C[White was able to link up her stones on the left and take some profit with the sequence to 8. ] ;B[dn] C[If Black were to play at 9 after this, ... ] ;W[co] LB[do:A] C[... White would extend to 10 ant threaten to push in at A. ] ;B[do] C[Therefore, Black would defend there and White would wrest the corner away from Black. <= ] ) )