(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][dk][dn][cn][bm][ho][hq][nq][ol][ql][qc][qd][rf][rg][nc] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][gc][bn][bo][co][fp][fq][fn][pn][nn][qj][pc][pe][qf][qg] TR[rg] C[Problem 121. Black to play. White tries to expand her corner by crawling with the marked stone. How should Black counter this move ? ] (;B[qb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White's stones in the corner are thin, so Black can get massive thickness and confine White to the corner by playing the hane of 1. ] ;W[qe];B[rc];W[rd];B[sd];W[re];B[qh];W[rb];B[pb];W[ra] LB[sb:A] C[The sequence to White 10 is inevitable. White cannot omit 10 because Black is threatening to start a ko with A. ] ;B[lc] C[Finally, Black pincers with 11 and his moyo at the top is nearly impregnable. ] ;W[ml] C[Next, White must run away with B, since a black move there would completely crush her. <= ] ) (;B[qh] C[How the game continued. Black extended with 1, but ... ] ;W[pb];B[ob];W[qb] LB[pb:2] C[... this enabled White to secure the corner with the hane and connection of 2 and 4. ] ;B[oc] C[White ended in sente, so ... ] ;W[rn] C[... she took her opportunity to stabilise her stones on the lower right ... ] ;B[qo];W[ro];B[rp];W[qk] C[... with the sequence to 10. <= ] ) )