(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ci][cn][md][mg][db][fc][hd][cb] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][cc][df][fp][jd][jf][jh][pf] LB[cb:1] C[Problem 120. Black to play. White pushes into the corner with 1, robbing the black stones of their base. What should Black do ? ] (;B[gf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black jumps to 1, ... ] (;W[bb] C[... letting White take away his base with 2, but ensuring that his stones on the left are linked up to the center. ] ;B[mi] C[Next, Black attacks by capping with 3. <= ] ) (;W[mi] LB[bb:@] C[Instead of White @, jumping to 2 is better, but ... ] ;B[ck] C[... Black would then invade at 3. The lesson here is that neither side should play moves on the second line in the opening. <= ] )) (;B[bb] LB[gg:A] C[How the game continued. Black defended at 1. Although the stones at the top didn't have eyes, they could still jump to A, attacking the three stones at the top. ] ;W[en] C[Before doing so, White strengthened the left side with 2 ... ] ;B[gn];W[mi] C[... and the top with 4. ] ;B[gf] C[Even if Black attacks the four white stones with 5, they should have no problem living. <= ] ) )