(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[mc][pc][qc][rj][pn][qn][qf] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][qd][oe][me][pj][qo][np] LB[qf:3][mc:7][pc:11][qc:9][qd:10][oe:8][me:12][rj:13][pn:5][qn:1] LB[np:2][qo:4] C[Problem 119. Black to play. White 13 slides under the black stone at 6, intending to destroy Black's moyo on the right. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[qj] TR[rj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 13 in the Problem Diagram (the marked stone) is the kind of move that panics a kyu player. We saw one way to play in such a position in the game continuation of Problem 93. Here is a simpler way. Black bumps with 1. His strategy is to stay on top and ... ] ;W[ri];B[rk];W[rl];B[qk];W[sk];B[qh];W[rh];B[qg];W[rg];B[pf] C[... force White into a low position along the second line with the sequence to 11. ] ;W[re] LB[rd:A] C[After White 12, Black doesn't mind if White links up to the top with a move on the second line at A. ] ;B[nn] C[Instead, he will take the strategic point of 13 and White will have a hard time breaking into Black's center. In a handicap game, it is always good for Black to force White to make life on the second line in exchange for influence. <= ] ) (;B[nn] C[How the game continued. Black capped with 1 and ... ] ;W[qh] C[... White defended the right side with 2. ] ;B[oh] LB[oi:A] C[Black made influence in the center with 3, but his stones were thin because the threat of White A remained. ] ;W[iq] C[White ended in sente, so she next took up position at the bottom with 4 ... ] ;B[gq];W[lq] C[... and 6. <= ] ) )