(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fq][jp][nq][md][nc][oc][re][rf][qf][pg][rc] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][cj][dn][pn][qj][pc][rd][qe][pf][nd][ne] LB[rc:1] C[Problem 116. Black to play. White attaches with 1, the weak point of Black's position. How respond Black respond ? ] (;B[pb] LB[sd:B][mc:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Descending to Black 1 makes miai of the points A and B. ] ;W[sd] C[If White links up with 2, ... ] ;B[mc] (;W[lc];B[mb];W[lb];B[nb] C[... Black will capture two white stones with the sequence to 7, settling his stones at the top. The three white stones at the top are still unsettled. <= ] ) (;W[mb] C[If White plays 4 here, ... ] ;B[lc] C[... Black will extend to 5. White can live only by crawling along the second line, but this would give Black a huge advantage, so it is unplayable. <= ] )) (;B[se] C[How the game continued. Black haned with 1, but ... ] ;W[qc];B[qd];W[pb] LB[qc:2] C[... White linked up her stones at the top with 2 and 4. ] ;B[qg];W[of];B[pe];W[qh];B[rg];W[rh];B[sf] C[Even though Black was able to capture three stones on the right with the sequence to 11, ... ] ;W[oh] C[... White made shape with her stones on the right with 12. <= ] ) )