(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[db][dc][cb][fb][fc][ed][fd][gd][jd][nc][re][pi][qi][pj][nq][jp][cn][dn] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][bb][cc][cd][ec][eb][pf][pk][qk][qj][pn][co][fp][fn][cj][ee] TR[re] C[Problem 115. Black to play. The marked white stone makes a long slide under Black's two stones, hoping to uproot them. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[rd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should defend the corner by attaching at 1. ] ;W[qe];B[qd];W[pe] LB[qe:2] C[White will play 2 and 4 to create weaknesses in Black's position, ... ] ;B[oe];W[qg] C[... then link up her stones on the right side. ] ;B[nd];W[oc];B[od];W[lc];B[pc] C[Black secures the corner with the sequence to 11. <= ] ) (;B[qd] C[How the game continued. Black 1 was a lukewarm move because ... ] ;W[qg] C[... it enabled White to secure her stones on the right side with 2. ] ;B[ne] C[Black then jumped to 3 and ... ] ;W[ld] C[... White reinforced her position at the top with 4. Black's stones in the corner are not still secure, so White was able to make more gains by attacking them. <= ] ) )