(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[md][eb][fc][gd][eg][ch][dn][ej] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][pg][df][fd][fe][ck][el][cc] LB[ej:3][el:2][dn:1] C[Problem 113. Black to play. After White 1 in the game continuation of Problem 109, Black 2 and White 3 were exchanged. What should Black do now ? ] (;B[ek] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 makes thick shape and prevents White's stones on the left separated. ] ;W[fn] C[If White 2, ... ] ;B[fj] C[... Black forces once with 3, ... ] ;W[ei];B[fp] LB[gh:A] C[... then jumps to 5. White is left with weak stones above and below. Black is aiming at A. If White A, Black attacks the two stones below. <= ] ) (;B[cm] LB[dl:A] C[How the game continued. Black jumped to 1, defending his weak point at A, but ... ] ;W[cn] C[... this move induced White to block with 2, weakening Black's stones below. ] ;B[fp];W[fn];B[gl];W[hn] LB[cj:B] C[Up to 6, White escaped into the center, leaving the black stones above and below weak. If Black defends the bottom, White can settle her stones by attaching at B. <= ] ) )