(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cn][en][el][ej] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][cj][dl][fp] LB[el:7][ej:5][en:3][cn:1][cj:2][dl:6][fp:4] C[Problem 108. Black to play. How should Black answer the attachment of White 7 ? ] (;B[ei] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. It is senseless for Black to fight in the lower left because he is outnumbered there four stones to two. Instead, he should attach at 1. ] ;W[fi];B[eh];W[dj] LB[fi:2] C[White 2 and 4 are White's best moves, but ... ] ;B[ci] LB[eh:3] C[... Black builds a moyo in the upper left with 3 and 5. ] ;W[ck] C[If White 6, ... ] ;B[fj] C[... Black will cut at 7 and his moyo will become even bigger. <= ] ) (;B[dk] C[How the game continued. Black exchanged 1 ... ] ;W[ek] C[... for White 2, but this left his stones heavy, so ... ] ;B[di] C[... he had to defend the left side with 3. ] ;W[nq] LB[dm:A] C[Since she was not afraid of the double peep at A, she switched to the lower right with 4. ] ;B[dm] C[If Black were to peep at 5, ... ] ;W[cp] C[... White would make sabaki by attaching at 6. <= ] ) )