(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][fc][jd][ch][ce][dj][cn][ec][gd][hd][cf][oj][pb][qb][qc][rb] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][df][pf][jq][eg][fp][qj][ed][cd][fd][ge][bp][ph][pc][qd][rc] LB[bp:1][oj:2][ph:3][qc:4][pc:5][pb:6][qd:7][rb:8][rc:9][qb:10] C[Problem 107. Black to play. The game in Problem 103 continued with the sequence to White 10. Where should Black play next ? ] (;B[me] LB[mc:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should jump to 1 to build influence facing the bottom and to stop White from expanding her territory at the top. Since Black is threatening to attach at A, ... ] ;W[ld] C[... White will defend with 2. ] ;B[dc] C[Next, Black should secure his stones in the upper left corner with 3. <= ] ) (;B[ne] C[How the game continued. Compared with the Correct Answer, Black 1 was lukewarm. It didn't have a good follow-up against White's position at the top. ] ;W[jo] C[White switched to the bottom and capped with 2. ] ;B[mc] C[If Black next attached at 3, ... ] ;W[md] LB[rd:A] C[... White could counterattack with 4 and fight fearlessly because, if her stones in the upper right corner get cut off, she can always live by capturing a stone at A. <= ] ) )