(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][ci][cn][lc][qf] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][cf][fp][jq][nd] LB[lc:9][nd:4][qf:3][jq:6][fp:2][cn:1][ci:5][cf:6][fc:7] C[Problem 106. Black to play. Just as in Problem 102, Black is strong and White is thin after Black 9, so Black should attack. Where is the vital point ? ] (;B[qj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The pincer of Black 1 attacks the white stone at the top and also stakes out a moyo at the bottom. ] ;W[rd] C[White must settle her stones with 2 ... ] ;B[qc];W[qh] LB[qc:3] C[... and 4, enabling Black to settle his own as well by taking the crucial 3-3 point with 3. ] ;B[oj] C[Next, Black jumps to 5 and a vast moyo has taken shape in the lower right. <= ] ) (;B[id] C[How the game continued. Black 1 was the wrong move. ] ;W[le] C[White jumped to 2, attacking the black stones on the right, ... ] ;B[nf];W[fe] C[... then jumped to 4, attacking the ones on the left. ] ;B[db] LB[nf:3] C[After Black defended with 3 and 5, ... ] ;W[if] C[... White took the initiative at the top by capping with 6. Instead of being the attacker, Black was now the defender. <= ] ) )