(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][cj][dm][cn][co] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][cp][dn][en][fp] LB[fc:9][fp:8][en:6][dn:2][cp:4][cn:1][dm:3][co:5][cj:7] C[Problem 105. Black to play. After White extended to 7, Black defended tightly with 8. White then approached the black stone at the top with 9. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[jc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should not play in the area of White's strength on the left side. Instead, he should pincer with 1 and ... ] ;W[cf] C[... wait for White to make a second approach move at 2. ] ;B[df] C[Since Black is weak, he should attach at 3, making his stones strong. ] ;W[dg];B[ce];W[ef];B[de];W[cg] C[If White connects at 8, ... ] ;B[db] C[... Black defends the corner with 9. Black's stones are secure, so ... ] ;W[fe] C[... he doesn't mind being confined by White 10 - ... ] ;B[nd] C[... he maps out territory in the top right with 11. <= ] ) (;B[cg] C[How the game continued. Black 1 was exactly the move White was hoping for. ] ;W[cc] C[White wrested the corner from Black ... ] ;B[dc];W[cd];B[de];W[ce] (;B[cf];W[db];B[eb];W[cb] C[... with the sequence to 10, ... ] ;B[ec];W[fe] C[... then neutralised Black's thickness by jumping to 12. This was a very bad result for Black. <= ] ) (;B[cb] LB[ce:6] C[Variation. After White 6, Black should have haned with 7 ... ] ;W[bb];B[db] C[... and connected with 9. ] ;W[cf];B[df];W[bg];B[bh];W[ch];B[dg] C[With the sequence to 15, Black is thick in the center. ] ;W[bi];B[bc] C[After exchanging 17 ... ] ;W[bd] C[... for 18, ... ] ;B[hc] C[... Black can pincer with 19. ] ;W[fe] C[If White 20, ... ] ;B[he] C[... Black plays 21. ] ;W[fg] C[If White then plays 22, ... ] (;B[fb] C[... Black can link up his stones by attaching with 23. <= ] ) (;B[ab] C[Even if Black's stones get cut off, they can live by starting a ko ... ] ;W[ba];B[bf];W[ag];B[ad] C[... with the sequence to 27. <= ] ))) )