(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ch][cn][iq][ek][lq] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][fd][fp][ck][bp] LB[ck:1][ek:2] TR[lq] C[Problem 104. Black to play. Instead of playing as in the game continuation of Problem 100, White played the marked stone and Black invaded with 1. How should he respond to the cap of White 2 ? ] (;B[dj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should move out in the direction from his strong position at the bottom. ] ;W[eh] C[White will jump to 2 and ... ] ;B[ej] C[... Black will push up with 3. ] (;W[gk] C[If White next jumps to 4, ... ] ;B[fj] C[... Black will extend to 5 and White is divided into two weak groups. <= ] ) (;W[fj] LB[ej:3] C[After Black 3, White 4 is unreasonable because ... ] ;B[fk] C[... Black will cut at 5. <= ] )) (;B[dm] LB[em:B][cj:A] C[How the game continued. Black 1 was small. Even though Black secured the left side, this stones there became overconcentrated and the territory was not that big. Moreover, White hat forcing moves at A and B, so Black would have a hard time attacking the white stones on the upper left side. ] ;W[qn] C[But White approached at 2 on the right. The game was now difficult for Black. <= ] ) )