(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[qf][fc][fq][lq][qn] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][mc][cg][cm][np] LB[qf:1][mc:2][fc:3][cg:4][fq:5][cm:6][qn:7][np:8][lq:9] C[Problem 102. Black to play. After 9, White's stones are widely spaced, while Black's are tight and strong. What should Black do next ? ] (;B[pj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Since Black's stones are strong relative to White's, Black should invade the right side with 1 and ... ] ;W[rp];B[qq];W[pl] LB[qq:3][rp:2] C[... let White settle her stones with 2 and 4, because Black also settles his stones in the corner by occupying the important 3-3 point with 3. ] ;B[qd] C[Next, Black defends the top right corner with 5, aiming at the white stone. White is not making any territorial gains: she is only struggling to keep her stones alive. <= ] ) (;B[dq] C[How the game continued. Black 1 was passive - it ran away from the real scene of battle. ] ;W[oq] C[White took the opportunity to settle her stones at the bottom ... ] ;B[op];W[pr];B[pk];W[qq];B[qp];W[rp];B[ro];W[rq] C[... with the sequence to 10, ... ] ;B[qo];W[on];B[pm];W[pn];B[rm] C[... while Black settled his position on the right side with 15. White ended in sente and her group of three stones still had aji. <= ] ) )