(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][cn][dm][co][cj] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][cf][dn][en][cp] LB[fc:1][cf:2][cn:3][dn:4][dm:5][en:6][co:7][cp:8][cj:9] C[Problem 101. Black to play. White extended to 9. Where should Black play next ? ] (;B[jq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should take the big point at the bottom by extending to 1. ] (;W[do] C[You might be afraid of White cutting through with 2 ... ] ;B[eo];W[ep] C[... and 4, ... ] ;B[bp];W[cm];B[fp];W[eq];B[fq];W[dr];B[fr];W[br];B[dq] C[... but when Black plays 13 ... ] ;W[er];B[cr] C[... and 15, White's stones in the corner are dead. <= ] ) (;W[db] LB[do:@] C[Instead of @, White might play ... ] ;B[cc];W[ic] C[... the sequence to 4 at the top. ] ;B[qj] C[Black would then take another big point on the right side around 5. <= ] )) (;B[db] C[How the game continued. Black enclosed the corner with 1, but ... ] ;W[nq] C[... this let White take the initiative in the lower right with the approach moves of 2 ... ] (;B[jq];W[qn] C[... and 4. ] ;B[pn] C[Next, Black should attach at 5. <= ] ) (;B[pn] C[Black should not play at 3 here, ... ] ;W[jq] C[... because White would take the point 4 and neutralise Black's influence on the left. Don't be afraid of double approaches against your handicap stone. If you are, it will be easy for White to gain the advantage. <= ] )) )