(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][fc][jd][ch] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][df][pf][jq] LB[jq:6][nc:1][pf:2][fc:3][df:4][jd:5][ch:7] C[Problem 99. Black to play. White attacks the black stones in the upper left with 7. A pincer against this stone is the usual response, but how far away should Black play it ? ] (;B[ck] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the ideal pincer against the white stone. ] ;W[eh];B[ff];W[ek];B[dm] LB[cj:A][ek:4] C[The sequence to Black 5 is a joseki. If White omits 4, Black will attack the two white stones above by playing at 4 himself. Timing is important, but if Black plays A later, the three white stones will be without a base, so White wants to play there as soon as possible. See Problem 84. <= ] ) (;B[eg] C[How the game continued. Black 1 was a lukewarm move. ] ;W[cn] C[It let White easily settle her stones on the left with 2 ... ] ;B[fp];W[dj] LB[eg:1] C[... and 4. This Black 1 had little effect on the white stones on the left and it was also too far away to have much effect on White's stones at the top. This is a good example of how White takes advantage of a slack black move. <= ] ) )