(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cn][iq][nq] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][fp][pn] LB[cn:1][fp:2][nq:3][pn:4][iq:5] C[Problem 98. Black to play. White extends to 5, aiming at the weak underbelly of the two black stones at the left. What should Black do ? Note that White 5 is usually played one point to the left. ] (;B[co] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Attaching with 1, ... ] ;W[dn];B[dk] C[... then pincering with 3, leaves White with a heavy shape on the left. ] ;W[fn] C[White jumps to 4, ... ] ;B[hp] C[... but Black makes a shoulder hit with 5. ] ;W[ip] C[White will push up with 6, but ... ] ;B[ho] C[... Black extends into the center with 7. Black's stones below are now strong, ... ] ;W[fk] C[... so White must escape with her three stones on the left by jumping to 8. ] ;B[di] C[But this induces Black to strengthen his territory on the left side with 9. <= ] ) (;B[go] C[How the game continued. Since the white stone on the bottom left was two spaces away, the diagonal move of Black 1 didn't put much pressure on it, ... ] (;W[bp] C[... so White took the opportunity to settle her stones with 2 ... ] ;B[cq];W[ck] C[... and 4. ] ;B[kq] C[Black invaded with 5, but this move was not so severe and ... ] ;W[io] C[... White jumped out into the center with 6 and all of Black's stones came under pressure. <= ] ) (;W[dj] C[White 2 here would also be feasible. ] )) )