(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ec][fc][gd][dg][cn] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][fe][dj][fp] LB[cn:1][fp:2][dg:3][dj:4][fc:5][fd:6][gd:7][fe:8][ec:9][ed:A] C[Problem 97. Black to play. White extends to 9, threatening to push through the gap at A. Should Black be concerned about this ? How should he respond ? ] ;B[dc] TR[dg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Since the marked stone is two spaces away, Black should block with 1 and ... ] ;W[ed];B[ee];W[de] LB[ed:2] C[... let White cut through with 2 and 4. ] ;B[db];W[hc];B[df];W[ce];B[cf];W[be];B[bf] C[Black then confines White to the corner with the sequence to 11. ] ;W[bc];B[bb] C[After the exchange of 13 ... ] (;W[ab] C[... for White 14, ... ] ;B[eg] C[... Black makes shape with 15 and builds a moyo on the left side. ] ;W[cb] C[White can live in the corner with 16, but ... ] ;B[bd] C[... Black captures three stones with 17. ] ;W[ad] LB[bd:17] C[Resistance. If White resists with 18 after Black 17 in the Correct Answer, ... ] ;B[cd];W[ae];B[af];W[ac];B[ba];W[ca] (;B[cc];W[aa];B[ba] C[... Black captures all the white stones with the sequence to 27. <= ] ) (;B[da] C[If Black plays 25 here, ... ] ;W[aa] C[... he will lose the capturing race. <= ] )) (;W[ef] LB[bb:13] C[Variation. If White answers Black 13 by cutting at 14, ... ] ;B[bd];W[cd];B[cc];W[ad] C[(Note that after White captures with 18, ... ] ;B[af] C[... Black 19 is best.) ] ;W[ae];B[ab] C[... Black captures the white stones in the corner with the sequence to 21. ] ;W[ff] C[The ladder at 22 hit's Black's bottom-right corner stone. <= ] ) )