(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][fe][fb][id] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][hc][ec][df] LB[fc:1][df:4][fe:3][ec:6][fb:7][hc:2][id:5] C[Problem 96. Black to play. What should Black do after the exchange of 6 for White 7 ? ] (;B[ic] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Crawling to Black 1 is an important move. It prevents White from making a base at the top. ] ;W[jd];B[hd];W[he];B[jc];W[kd];B[lc] C[Up to 7, Black gets territory at the top and ... ] ;W[ge] LB[gd:A] C[... White must play 8 to defend against Black's peep at A.- ] ;B[ld] C[Next, Black reinforces his position at the top by pushing out with 9. <= ] ) (;B[eb] C[How the game continued. Black defended the corner with 1 and ... ] ;W[ic] C[... White took control of the top with 2. ] ;B[fd];W[gd];B[ed] LB[fd:3] C[Black then reinforces his stones with 3 and 5, but ... ] ;W[hd] LB[gd:4] C[... this enabled White to also reinforce with 4 and 6, so she got a thick position at the top. ] ;B[dj] C[Finally, Black mapped out a large territory on the left side with 7. <= ] ) )