(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[qf][qn][pj][oo][lo][lq][io] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][nd][rd][np][nn][iq][gp] LB[qf:1][nd:2][qn:3][np:4][pj:5][rd:6][lq:7][iq:8][lo:9][nn:10] LB[io:11][gp:12][oo:13] C[Problem 95. Black to play. After Black defended the corner with 6 (Black 1 in the game in Problem 91), White switched to the bottom with 7. After Black 12, White peeps with 13. How should Black respond ? ] ;B[po] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black could cut through with 1 ... ] (;W[pn];B[on] TR[oo] C[... and 3. He captures the white stone and makes perfect shape. White's peep with the marked stone in the Problem was an overplay. <= ] ) (;W[on] LB[po:1] C[Variation. White might answer Black 1 with 2, ... ] ;B[pn] (;W[pm] LB[pn:3] C[... then block with 4 after Black pushes in with 3. ] ;B[om];W[nm];B[ol];W[no];B[pl] C[But Black would then secure the right side with the sequence to 9. <= ] ) (;W[om] LB[on:2] C[Variation. White could keep pushing out with 2 and 4, ] ;B[pm];W[op];B[oq];W[nq];B[nr];W[mq];B[ol];W[nm];B[nl];W[mm] C[... then capture two stones with the sequence to 16. However, she ends in gote and her stones are overconcentrated. ] ;B[pq] C[Black can now use his sente to secure the territory in the lower right corner. <= ] )) )