(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][qf][qc][qd] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][gc][pc][oe] LB[gc:2][nc:1][qf:3][oe:4][qc:5][pc:6][qd:7] C[Problem 94. Black to play. Black 2 is unorthodox, but, being played so early in the game, it can't be called a bad move. What should Black do after White crawls to 7 ? ] ;B[og] LB[qh:C][rg:B][qg:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should jump to 1. White cannot afford to let Black play the sequence Black A - White B - Black C, ... ] (;W[ph] C[... so she defends with 2. ] ;B[kd] C[Next, Black makes a moyo at the top with 3. <= ] ) (;W[kd] C[Variation. White might play 2 here and take her chances in the corner. ] ;B[qg] C[When Black attaches at 3, ... ] ;W[pf] C[... White resists with 4. ] ;B[of] C[Black must connect at 5. ] ;W[pg];B[ph];W[qh] LB[pg:6] C[White can then capture two stones on the right by cutting through with 6 and 8, ... ] ;B[rg];W[pi];B[oh] (;W[rh];B[qe];W[rf];B[re];W[sg] C[... then playing the sequence to 16. ] ;B[qb] C[But Black gets the corner when he hanes at 17. <= ] ) (;W[rf] LB[oh:11] C[When Black connects at 11, White could secure the corner with 12 and ... ] ;B[qi];W[rh] C[... capture two stones with 14 as well, but ... ] ;B[ri] C[... she is confined to the side ... ] ;W[sg];B[pj] C[... and Black's wall radiates influence throughout the board. ] ;W[jp] C[White 18 seems to block the ladder, but ... ] ;B[md] C[... Black attacks the top with 19. ] ;W[oi] C[If White now tries to run away with 20, ... ] ;B[nj] C[... Black can capture these stones ... ] ;W[ni];B[mi] C[... in a lose ladder with the sequence to 23. <= ] )) )