(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[mc][qf] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][pj] LB[mc:3][qf:1][pj:2] C[Problem 93. Black to play. This time White's second approach move at 3 is lower and farther away than in Problem 92. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[qe] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black attaches at 1 and ... ] (;W[pf] C[... White's stones on the right become heavy when she stands with 2. ] ;B[nd] C[Next, Black exchanges 3 ... ] ;W[md] C[... for 4, ... ] ;B[ne] C[... then moves out into the center with 5, keeping the two white groups separated. ] ) (;W[oe] C[If White 2 here, ... ] ;B[pf];W[pe];B[qd] C[... the sequence to 5 follows. Black's corner is safe and White's stones are in disarray. <= ] )) (;B[oe] C[How the game continued. Black played 1, ... ] ;W[qc];B[qd];W[pc] LB[qc:2] C[... so White settled her stones at the top with 2 and 4. ] ;B[me] C[Black jumped to 5, but this move hat little effect on White's stones above, so ... ] ;W[qn] C[... White switched to the bottom area to erase Black's moyo there. ] ;B[qo];W[pn];B[np];W[rj] C[White slid to 10, but ... ] ;B[rl] C[... Black could attack ... ] ;W[ql];B[rk];W[qk];B[qj];W[ri] C[... with the sequence to 16. ] ;B[rm] LB[rn:A][qm:B] C[After 17, A and B were miai. ] ;W[ok] C[If White 18, ... ] ;B[rn] C[... Black connects with 19. <= ] ) )