(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nd][qf] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][qj] LB[qf:1][qj:2][nd:3] C[Problem 92. Black to play. White makes two approach moves with 1 and 3 against the black stone in the upper right corner. On which side should Black attach ? ] (;B[ne] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should follow the proverb which advises: 'Attach against the stronger stone !' In this case, the white stone on the right is the weaker one because of the presence of the black pincer, so Black attaches with 1. ] (;W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[of] C[The sequence to 7 is a joseki. ] ;W[md] C[If White 8 next, ... ] ;B[oj] C[... Black plays 9. <= ] ) (;W[me] C[Variation. White can also play 2. ] ;B[oe] C[After Black draws back with 3, ... ] ;W[qc] C[... White invades the corner with 4. ] ;B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[mf];W[md];B[ng] C[The sequence to 11 is a joseki. Just as in the Correct Answer, Black has made a moyo on the right side. <= ] )) (;B[pf] C[How the game continued. Black attached on the right with 1 and ... ] ;W[pg];B[of];W[qe];B[od];W[rc] LB[og:B][pj:A] TR[qj] C[... the joseki to 6 followed. White settled her stones in the upper right corner and the marked black stone on the right ended up on the wrong point. If this stone were at A, Black 7 at B would then be a powerful move. ] (;B[ne] C[As it was, Black 7 was a bad move. <= ] ) (;B[nc] C[Black 7 here was the correct way to end this joseki. <= ] )) )