(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[qf][pj][qn] AB[dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][nd][np] LB[qf:1][nd:2][qn:3][np:4][pj:5] C[Problem 91. Black to play. White has mapped out a sphere of influence on the right side with the sequence to 5. What should Black do next ? ] (;B[dj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should map out his own sphere of influence on the left side. This works well with Black's handicap stones and Black is well ahead. ] ;W[fq] C[If White continues with 2 ... ] ;B[dn];W[lq] C[... and 4 at the bottom, ... ] ;B[jd] C[... Black will take another big point with 5 at the top. Next, ... ] ;W[fc] C[... White invades Black's box-shaped moyo with 6 and ... ] ;B[ec];W[fd];B[df];W[hd] LB[fd:8] C[... tries to build a base there with 8 and 10. ] ;B[gg];W[hf];B[hg] C[Black attacks with the sequence to 13, ... ] ;W[jf];B[ld] C[... then secures the territory at the top with 15. ] ;W[ig];B[hi] C[After 17, Black's moyo in the upper left is nearly impregnable. White's stones at the top, however, are still not secure. Black has taken a big lead. <= ] ) (;B[rd] C[How the game continued. Defending the corner with Black 1 was not urgent and didn't take the whole board into account. Even though White's framework on the right was threatened, ... ] ;W[lq] C[... White played quickly and established a presence in virgin territory. This is an important principle for White to follow in handicap games: 'If Black plays a lukewarm move, ignore it and play elsewhere.' <= ] ) )