(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[qc][qd][qf][kc][ic][nc][jd][gb][fq][dq][cq][cn][fn][nq][no][lo] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][pc][oe][kd][gd][og][ld][md][cp][eo][em][ip][lq][pn][nm][cg] LB[nq:1][lq:2][no:3][pn:4][fq:5][nm:6][lo:7][cn:9] TR[gb][cg] LB[ip:8][eo:10][cq:11][cp:12][dq:13][em:14][fn:15] C[Problem 89. Black to play. After the exchange of the marked white and black stones (White 4 - Black 5 in the game in Problem 85), the sequence to the peep of 15 was played. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[fo] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Countering the peep by pushing out with 1 shows a positive attitude, refusing to be bullied by White. ] ;W[en];B[dn];W[dm];B[do];W[gn];B[dl];W[cm];B[go];W[hn];B[el];W[ho];B[hp];W[gp];B[eq];W[er];B[gq];W[bp];B[bo];W[co];B[bq];W[fp];B[ap];W[ep];B[bp] C[With the sequence to 25, Black has secured the left side. ] ;W[gr] C[Next, White secures her stones in the lower left with 26 and ... ] ;B[ko];W[kn];B[jn];W[jo];B[kp];W[jm];B[ln];W[km];B[mo];W[mn];B[mp] C[... Black rescues his stones at the bottom with the sequence to 37. ] (;W[np] C[If White 38 next, ... ] ;B[mm] C[... Black ataris at 39. <= ] ) (;W[mm] C[If White 38, ... ] ;B[np] C[... Black links up his stones on the right by pushing through at 39. <= ] )) (;B[en] C[How the game continued. Black defended against the White peep with 1, ... ] ;W[ep] (;B[bp] LB[ep:2] C[... then descended to 3 against White 2. ] ;W[fo];B[gl] C[Black played 5 to build a moyo along the left side, but ... ] ;W[in] C[... after White capped at 6 the two black stones at the bottom had to fight for life. <= ] ) (;B[fp] LB[ep:2] C[How Black should have played. After White 2, Black should force with 3, ... ] ;W[eq];B[bp] C[... then descend to 5. ] ;W[gp];B[fo];W[go];B[in] LB[gn:B][gm:C][fm:A] C[Now White can't confine Black to the bottom. After 9, Black threatens to build a moyo with the sequence Black A - White B - Black C. <= ] )) )