(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][nq][cq][dq][fq][cn][dm][hc][be][ed][db][eb][ec][fd][df][dh][cl][pc][ob][qb][bm][bo][gh][ph][pq][pr][qr][qp][rp][nr][os][nh][ih] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][pf][qm][ip][co][dn][en][fc][bd][ce][de][ee][fe][dc][cb][ck][qc][qd][kd][ci][bj][go][cg][he][oq][qq][qo][po][lq][op][or][gj][ne] LB[gj:1][nh:2][ne:3][ih:4] C[Problem 87. Black to play. The sequence to White 4 is how the game in Problem 83 continued. What should Black do now ? ] (;B[kh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Capping with Black 1 should decide the game. It attacks the white stones on the left and on the right. If White somehow manages to live with her stones on the left, Black will use the strength he builds up to attack the two stones on the right. White is bound to lose something. <= ] ) (;B[lh] C[Also a good move, but ... Black 1 is also a good move, but the scale of the right side is smaller than the left. ] ;W[hj] LB[lh:1] C[If White attaches at 2, she has a good chance of settling her stones on the left. In any case, this move (Black 1) is a bit more difficult to handle than the one in the Correct Answer. <= ] ) (;B[el] C[How the game continued. Black plays 1 to settle his stones in the lower left, but ... ] ;W[lh] C[... this gave White the chance to defend her stones in the center by jumping to 2. With her stones on the left and the right now linked up, the difference in territory was not that great. White hunkered down for a long fight and saved her stones in the center. <= ] ) )