(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][hc][he][bd][ke] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][kc][ff][md] LB[cf:1][fd:2][hc:3][kc:4][he:5][ff:6][ke:7][md:8][bd:9] C[Problem 84. Black to play. White has just slid into the corner with 9. How should Black respond ? ] ;B[cc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should play 1, ... ] ;W[dh] C[... forcing White to defend her stones on the left with 2. ] (;B[hg] C[Black then attacks the white stones at the top by playing on the vital point of 3, ... ] ;W[jc];B[jb];W[kb];B[lb];W[kd] C[... so White has to make shape with the sequence to 8. ] ;B[lc];W[ib];B[gb] C[Finally, Black can take the territory in the upper left corner with 11 in sente, ... ] ;W[ja];B[qd] C[... then enclose the upper right corner with 13, to take a substantial lead. <= ] ) (;B[jc] C[The vital point. Black 3 is another vital point which robs White of her base, but ... ] ;W[hg] C[... White can jump lightly to 4, putting pressure on Black's stones in the upper left. <= ] ) )